Provide the rental assistance vouchers that more than 3,000 Lane County residents use to help pay the rent at Section
8-approved housing. We work with the federal government to provide these funds. The homes are privately owned and
independently managed.
Help veterans, seniors and people with disabilities find and secure affordable housing either through a Homes for Good
unit, or through a specialized provider.
Match low-income residents with public and assisted housing units. We own these houses, duplexes and apartment
buildings and our residents pay rents that are set based on a percentage of their income.
Partner with other community organizations and non-profits to build, finance and develop affordable housing.
Connect residents with self-sufficiency programs and wellness supports.
Work with the low-income community to provide help with weatherization improvements that lower utility bills and keep
homes more comfortable.
Raise awareness about the need for low-income and affordable housing in Lane County.